What are Benefits of Sedex Certification?

Sedex Certification | Sedex Certification In India

Sedex Certification defines the Supplier Ethical Data/information Exchange, it is a non-profit organization and introduces to drive ethical business practices. Sedex Certification support to maintain ethical information/data in a effective and simple manner. Sedex Certification is a safe online database which allows the registered members to share, store the data in 4-keys areas:-

· Health and Safety standard

· Labour standard

· The environment

· Business ethics.

SEDEX Certification has been favored by many large supplier, retailers and manufacturers, and many supermarkets, retailers, brands, suppliers and other organizations need the farms, factories and manufacturers they work with to participate in the SEDEX Certification audit to assure their operations.

In line with the need of relevant ethical standards, the results of the audit can be recognized and shared by all SEDEX members, so the supplier’s acceptance of the SEDEX audit can secure many duplicate audits from customers. These day, the UK and many European and American brands have approved the SEDEX audit report.


  1. SMETA audit is developing to benefit consumer brands and their suppliers, retailers , reducing duplication of effort in ethical trade auditing. Companies who are not members of Sedex Certification are able and encouraged to use SMETA as well.
  2.  Sedex Certification is a comprehensive platform that enables the effective management of complex worldwide supply chains, leading to real business benefits for your organisation.
  3. Boost your reputation
  4. Gain competitive advantage: Many customers see Sedex Certification as an important part of their responsible sourcing practices and companies increasingly view Sedex membership as a condition of supply.
  5. Reduce risk :The reports available on Sedex, and specifically the Sedex Risk Assessment tool, can help assess the likelihood of issues occurring in your supply chain. Improve supplier relationships.
  6. Demonstrate to stakeholders and customers that you are committed to driving improvements in your supply chain.
  7. The Sedex model encourages increased supplier engagement, supporting you to drive ethical and responsible improvements within your supply chain.
  8. Save time and money: Sedex Certification allows more time and resources to be spent on making improvements rather than on completing multiple audits and unnecessary paperwork.

If you are looking for c You should make call to QMCS(INDIA) sale and marketing team. Our team will be help and support for obtaining SEDEX Certification.


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