How is ISO 9001 Certification supportable for machine tool shops or company?


Are you wondering if pursuing ISO 9001 certification would be helpful or not, and if the cost incurred in implementing the standard would be burdensome to the exchequer or an intelligent investment, then read this blog to learn more about ISO 9001.


How is ISO 9001 Certification supportable for machine shops?


ISO 9001 Certification is a set of globally recognized ISO standards that support in building, implementing & reviewing quality management system in your company. The Plan Do Check Act cycle (PLDC) of ISO 9001 is central for establishing a system that undergoes continual improvement in order to ensure quality-products at any time of the year. Let’s understand the clauses of the ISO standard and the activities that should be performed for implementing QMS according to ISO 9001 Certification in machine shops.


Clause-4: Context of the organization – This clause refers to understanding your machine shop’s requirements for implementing quality management. It also takes into consideration, the expectations of the interested parties employees, operatives, ^& other stakeholders. ISO 9001 support in identification and fulfilment of your legal obligations.


Clause 5: Leadership – It puts the top management in the instrumental position for implementing quality management system. Top management should ensure customer centric activities through assignment and communication of roles and responsibilities throughout the organization.


Clause 6: Planning – The onus of planning-out an effective QMS lies with the Top-management. This standarda assists you to undergo an assessment of various risks through activities such as S.W.O.T (strengths, weaknesses, opportunity, threat) Analysis.


Clause 7: Support – It deals with management of resources for QMS, including human-resources, infrastructural resources, monitoring and measurement resources, and the knowledge about the organization. This section also includes requirements around competence, communication, awareness, & documentation.


Clause 8: Operation – The 2-major reasons for the expense incurred by machine shops are: management of wastes due to inefficient planning or time wastage due to “rework” caused by repeating jobs as a result of similar root cause. Mostly, these issues occur simultaneously. Thus, use of accurate operational planning becomes very important. It includes planning, reviewing the requirements of products, its design, releasing the product in the market, and controlling nonconforming process outputs.


Clause 9: Performance evaluation – The method of monitoring and measurement under this clause guarantees a constant review of your processes. This eliminates the scope of non-conformities, and ensures that the current QMS is effective.


Clause 10: Improvement – This includes taking corrective actions to close the gaps in your QMS make it better over time.


Through ISO 9001 Certification you can standardize your processes, manage your wastes, and save liability costs. An effective QMS is a assurance of quality of your services and product. ISO 9001 Certification brings about a reputation for your machine shop as well as huge opportunities for business. As regard to the cost of implementing ISO 9001 in your machine shop, it completely depends upon the unique requirements of your shop.


If you are looking for ISO 9001 Certification for your organization then you should make a call to QMCS India Team. They have best team of ISO Expert. They have good knowledge about ISO Standard.



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